Yaygın İngilizce Phrasal Fiillerin Listesi ve Anlamları
abstain from pv sakınmak (alkol, ilaç vb); uzak durmak (avoid from) !
account for pv açıklamak, izah etmek, hesap vermek
act for pv birinin yerine bakmak, temsil etmek.
act out pv rol yapmak, davranışlarıyla ortaya koymak, dışa vurmak
act up pv dert çıkarmak (misbehave), problem olmak, artırmak
act upon pv ... göre davranmak
add up pv toplamını bulmak, toplamak, anlam vermek
add up to pv sonucu bulmak, sonucuna varmak, göstermek
add up to sth pv equal
agree on pv üzerinde anlaşmak, karar vermek. (agree over)
agree upon pv üzerinde mutabık kalmak, kararlaştırmak
allow for pv göz önüne almak, hesaba katmak.
ask after pv halini, hatırını sormak
ask around pv ask many people the same question
ask for pv rica etmek, istemek
ask sbd out pv invite on a date
back down pv caymak, geri dönmek (baby off)
back sbd up pv yedeklemek, desteklemek
back sth up pv reverse; geri geri gitmek, geriye doğru sürmek
bail out (of) pv kefaletle serbest bıraktırmak, sandalın suyunu boşaltmak,
uçaktan paraşütle atlamak, kurtarmak
bank on pv güvenmek
base on pv dayandırmak, dayamak
bawl out pv sertçe azarlamak
bear down on pv süratle üstüne gelmek, yaklaşmak (bear down upon)
bear up pv dayanmak, tahammül etmek
beat down pv yere sermek, bastırmak, vurmak, düşürmek, fiyat kırmak,
bardaktan boşanırcasına yağmak
bestow upon pv bahşetmek
blind folded pv gözlerini bağlamak, gözünü kör etmek
blow down pv yıkmak
blow out pv söndürmek; lastik ya da tekerlek patlatmak; hava ya da gaz
ile fırlatmak
blow over pv bitmek, durmak, sona ermek
blow up pv tahrip etmek (explode); havaya uç(ur)mak.
break down pv yıkmak, bozmak, baskıya dayanamamak, arızalanmak,
bozulmak; ayrıştırmak, analiz etmek; kendisini tutamamak;
stop functioning (vehicle, machine); get upset: üzülmek
break ground pv temel kazmak
break in pv interrupt
break into pv parçalamak, parçalara ayırmak
break into sth pv zorla girmek, birden birşeye başlamak (enter forcibly)
break off pv bitmek, sona ermek, kesilmek.
break out pv patlak vermek, başlamak, çıkmak (escape)
break up pv end a relationship; start laughing (informal); parçalamak,
break down pv yıkmak, bozmak, kırmak, duygularını kontrol edememek,
baskıya dayanamamak
break sth down, divide into smaller parts
bring about pv ileri sürmek, yol açmak, orsa alabanda etmek
bring out pv ortaya çıkarmak, göstermek, yayımlamak
bring together pv kavuşturmak, toplamak
bring up pv büyütmek, yetiştirmek (raise a child); kusmak (vomit);
ortaya (konu vb) atmak (start talking about a subject)
bring down pv indirim yapmak, yenilmek, düşmesine sebep olmak (make
bring sbd down
burn down pv yanıp kül olmak, yakıp kül etmek
burn up pv tamamen yakıp bitirmek
call around pv phone many different places or people
call back pv tekrar telefon etmek, return a phone call
call down pv azarlamak
call for pv talep etmek, istemek (demand)
call off pv iptal etmek, ret etmek (cancel)
call on sbd pv ask for an answer or opinion, visit someone; çağrı yapmak
call out pv seslenmek, çağırmak
call up pv telefon etmek, askere almak
call upon pv başvumak, istemek, uğramak, önünde söylemek
calm down pv sakinleştimek, sakin olmak; relax after being angry
care about pv ilgi duymak
care for pv sevmek; bakmak
carry on pv sürdürmek, devam ettirmek, peşini bırakmamak
carry out pv uygulamak, yerine getirmek, icra etmek (fulfil, conduct),
yürütmek (çalışma, deney, anket vb)
catch on (to) pv anlamak, kavramak
catch up pv kapıp kaçmak, etkilemek, donatmak, yetişmek, geri
catch up (with) pv erişmek, aynı düzeyi tutmak
charge (with) pv yargılamak (mahkemede) (try)
check in pv arrive and register at a hotel or airport
check out pv look at (informal), look at carefully, investigate
check out pv leave a hotel, denemek, değerlendirmek; ödünç almak
check out (of) pv faturasını ödeyip ayrılmak
cheer up pv neşelendirmek (become happier), make happier
chew out pv sertçe azarlamak, paylamak
chew up pv çiğnemek
chip in pv help
clean out pv bir şeyin içini temizlemek
clean sth up pv tidy, clean
clear up pv düzeltmek, düzene sokmak; açmak, aydınlatmak
coincide with pv ˌkōənˈsī
aynı zamana denk gelmek, tesadüf etmek
collide with pv çarpışmak (crash into)
come across pv find unexpectedly, tesadüfen bulmak, rastlamak.
come apart pv separate
come back pv geri dönmek,geri gelmek, tekrar moda olmak
come down pv çökmek; aşağı gelmek; yağmak.
come down with pv become sick
come forward pv öne çıkmak, ortaya çıkmak, gönüllü olmak
come into being pv var olmak
come out pv basılmak, neşredilmek; gözden kaybolmak, çıkmak
come to pv ayılmak, kendine gelmek.
come up with pv üretmek, düşünerek bulmak
comment on pv yorum yapmak (interpret)
compensation for pv tazminat ödemek; telafi etmek
comply (with) pv uymak, itaat etmek (abide by)
conceive as pv olarak algılamak, düşünmek; conceive of: birşeyi ilk kendisi
akıl etmek (senaryonun konusu vb); gebe kalmak
confine to pv sınırlamak, bir yere mahkum etmek; hapse atmak (imprison)
conflict with pv çatışmak, çarpışmak, savaşmak
conform to pv uymak, uyuşmak (obey the rules)
conspire against pv birine komplo kurmak (plot against)
correspond to pv birşeyle uymak, uygun düşmek, tekabül etmek(agree, match)
correspond with pv birisi ile yazışmak
count on pv güvenmek, saymak (rely on)
count upon pv üzerine saymak.
crack down pv aman vermemek, üzerine gitmek, daha duyarlı davranmak
cross out pv üstünü çizmek, silmek (delete)
culminate in pv en son noktaya erişmek
cut back on pv consume less
cut down pv kesip devirmek
cut down on pv masraftan kısmak, tüketimini azaltmak
cut in pv interrupt; pull in too closely in front of another vehicle
cut in (on) pv sözünü ya da iletişimini kesmek
cut off pv kesmek, kesip koparmak, ayırmak, son vermek, yok etmek,
imha etmek, mahrum bırakmak
cut out pv çalışmasını durdurmak, bırakmak, terketmek, vazgeçmek,
kesip çıkarmak (gazete, magazin vb.)
dash out pv dışarı fırlamak
deal with pv baş etmek, ile meşgul olmak (cope with, get over, handle)
depend on pv güvenmek, bel bağlamak (Count upon, Depend on/upon,
Lean on/upon, Bank on/upon, Rely on/upon, Trust in (Good))
depend upon pv bağlı olmak
derive from pv çıkarmak, gelmek
die down pv azalmak, şiddetini yitirmek
die out pv tamamen gözden kaybolmak, yok olmak
dig up pv toprağı kazıp çıkarmak, araştırmak, deşmek, meydana
do away with pv ortadan kaldırmak, yok etmek; atmak (discard)
do over pv boyamak; yeniden elden geçirmek
do with pv gereksinim duymak, istemek
do without pv mahrum olmak, yoksun olmak
do sth up pv fasten, close
doze of pv nap; uyuklamak, hafif uykuya dalmak
draw back pv geri çekmek, geri almak, çekilmek
dress up pv wear nice clothing
drive off pv sürmek
drop back pv move back in a position/group
drop in pv come without an appointment (drop by, drop over)
drop off pv bir vasıtadan indirmek; azalmak; hafif uykuya dalmak
drop out (of) pv terketmek, bırakmak, vazgeçmek (quit)
dry up pv kurumak, kurutmak, çekilmek, kesilmek,kesmek, sözünü
unutarak duraksamak
eat out pv eat at a restaurant
embark on pv girişmek; yüklenmek, yüklemek (gemiye, uçağa)
end up pv sonuçlanmak, sona ermek; eventually reach/do/decide
exempt from pv den muaf olmak
fade away pv unutulup gitmek, gözden kaybolmak
fall apart pv break into pieces
fall behind with pv gecikmek, sürüncemede kalmak
fall down pv fall to the ground
fall in pv çökmek
fall off pv azalmak
fall out (with) pv tartışmak
fall through pv başarısız olmak
fight off pv mücadele ederek savuşturmak, defetmek
figure out pv hesaplamak, anlamak; çözmek, (make out, understand), find the answer
figure up pv hesaplamak
fill sth in pv to write information in blanks (br.e.)
fill sth out pv to write information in blanks (n.amer.)
fill sth up pv fill to the top
filter out pv filtrelemek, sızmak, duyulmak, topluca çıkmak
find out pv öğrenmek, bulup ortaya çıkarmak, keşfetmek (discover)
focus on pv odaklanmak, yoğunlaşmak (concentrateon, centreon)
function as pv olarak işlev görmek
get ahead (of) pv ilerlemek, gelişmek, ilerleyip geçmek
get along (with) pv geçinmek; arası iyi olmak (like each other)
get around pv have mobility; yolunu bulmak, yayılmak, gezinmek
get away pv kaçmak, kurtulmak, sıvışmak, yakasını kutarmak
get away with pv do without being noticed or punished
get back pv geri gelmek, dönmek, return
get back at sbd pv retaliate, take revenge
get back into sth pv become interested in something again
get by (with) pv idare etmek, geçinmek, geçinip gitmek
get down to pv bir işe koyulmak, üzerine eğilmek
get hold of pv ele geçirmek, tutmak, kavramak, yakalamak
get in pv varmak, ulaşmak, girmek
get in touch with pv talking or writing to someone
get in(to) pv binmek
get off pv yola çıkmak, yola koyulmak; büyük taşıttan inmek
get on pv büyük taşıta binmek; geçip gitmek, sürdürmek.
get on (with) pv devam etmek
get out (of) pv terk etmek, ayrılmak; inmek
get over sth pv yenmek, atlatmak, recover from an illness, overcome a
problem, loss, difficulty
get rid of sbd/sth pv başından atmak, kurtulmak Get rid of sbd/sth: to throw away or destroy
something you do not want any more
get round pv dönmek, yayılmak, kandırmak
get through (to) pv geçmek, geçirmek, ulaşmak, iletişim kurmak; bitirmek;
meclisten geçirmek
get together pv meet (usually for social reasons)
get up pv get out of bed; stand
get sth across / over pv communicate, make understandable
get sth back pv receive something you had before
give away pv bağışlamak, karşılıksız vermek, dağıtmak; ele vermek,
ihanet etmek
give in pv boyun eğmek, razı gelmek (acquiesce, assent, consent,
submit, yield to + to + N / Ving)
give in (to): reluctantly stop fighting or arguing
give off pv göndermek, çıkarmak, neşretmek
give out pv dağıtmak
give up pv vazgeçmek, bırakmak (abandon, abort, stop trying, quit)
give sth back pv return a borrowed item
give sth out pv give to many people (usually at no cost)
give sth up pv quit a habit
go after sbd pv follow someone
go after sth pv try to achieve something
go against sbd pv compete, oppose
go ahead pv devam etmek, ilerlemek, önde gitmek (start, proceed)
go along with pv desteklemek, aynı görüşte olmak, kabul etmek
go back pv return to a place
go down pv if a ship goes down, it sinks
go for pv çabalamak, gayret etmek, dil uzatmak, takdir etmek.
go forward pv ilerlemek, gelişme göstermek
go in for pv alışkanlık edinmek, ilgi duymak, uğraşmak, yer almak
go into pv girmek, varmak, araştırmak
go into pv girmek, varmak, araştırmak, tutulmak, incelemek
go off pv patlamak, ateş almak; çalışmasını durdurmak
go on (with) pv olmak, meydana gelmek, devam etmek
go on about pv to talk too much
go out pv dışarı çıkmak, çekilmek, istafa etmek, sönmek, grev yapmak
go out with sbd pv date; buluşmak, zaman belirlemek
go over pv visit someone nearby; gözden geçirmek
go over to pv üzerine gitmek
go over sth pv review
go through ( with ) pv yürütmek, tamamlamak
go up pv yükselmek, artmak, açılmak, havaya uçmak, patlamak
go with pv birlikte gitmek, eşlik etmek; uymak (renk, sitil), flört etmek
go without sth pv suffer lack or deprivation
grow apart pv stop being friends over time
grow back pv regrow
grow into sth pv grow big enough to fit
grow out of sth pv get too big for
grow tired of pv yorulmak
grow up pv become an adult; büyüyüp yetişkin olmak
hand down pv miras bırakmak, devretmek.
hand in pv vermek, teslim etmek
hand out pv bağışlamak
hand over pv devretmek
hang in pv stay positive (n.amer., informal)
hang on pv wait a short time (informal)
hang out pv spend time relaxing (informal)
hang up pv end a phone call
hang up on pv telefonu yüzüne kapatmak
hear from pv birinden, birşeyden haber almak
hear of pv bilgi almak, duymak
heat up pv ısıtmak, kızıştırmak, hareketlendirmek
hold up pv geçiktirilmek, bir şey tarafından engellenmek; silahla
soymak (Rob)
hold sbd / sth up
hold on pv wait a short time
hold onto sbd / sth pv hold firmly using your hands or arms
hold out pv uzatmak, ümit vermek, vaat etmek, direnmek
hold sbd / sth back pv prevent from doing/going
hold sth back pv hide an emotion
incorporate into pv dahil etmek (include, integrate)
indulge in pv keyif almak, kendine zaman ayırmak
infer from pv den çıkarım yapmak
inquiry into pv araştırmak
insist (on) pv ısrar etmek (persistin)
insulate (against) pv yalıtmak, (soğuğu, sesi vb) kesmek
invest (in) pv para yatırımı yapmak
involved in pv dahil olmak
iron out pv çözmek, açığa kavuşturmak
jump off pv jumping-off point: sıçrama tahtası.
keep an eye on pv göz kulak olmak, gözünü ayırmamak, dikkat etmek
keep away (from) pv uzakta kalmak, uzak kalmak, uzak durmak
keep from pv alıkoymak, engellemek
keep off pv uzak durmak; birşeyden uzakta tutmak ya da durmak
keep on (with) pv devam etmek, yapıp durmak; dava etmek
keep on doing sth pv continue doing
keep out pv dışarıda tutmak, (stop from entering) keep sbd / sth out
keep up (with) pv idare etmek, geçindirmek; aynı düzeyde ilerlemek, yol almak
keep sth from sbd pv gizlemek, not tell
keep sth up pv continue at the same rate
kick out (of) pv uzaklaştırmak
knock down (to) pv yıkmak, tahrip etmek, birine çarparak düşürmek; indirmek
knock off pv gün sonu işi durdurmak; azaltmak, düşürmek
knock out pv nakavt etmek, yere düşürmek
lay (put) pv sermek
lay off pv işten çıkarmak, atmak
leave off pv bırakmak, salıvermek, giymemek, takmamak
leave out (of) pv birşeyi atlatmak, bırakmak
let out pv dışarı çıkarmak; genişletmek; büyütmek
let up pv azaltmak
let sbd down pv fail to support or help, disappoint
let sbd in pv allow to enter
light up pv ışık vermek; baştan başa aydınlatmak
line up pv sıralanmak, sıraya girmek, düzenlemek
live on sth pv to eat a lot of a particular type of food
look after pv bakmak, göz kulak olmak, (take care of) look after sbd / sth
look at pv bakmak, göz atmak, seyretmek, göz önüne almak
look back pv geçmişe bakmak, geriye bakmak, ilerleyememek
look down on sbd pv think less of, consider inferior; küçük görmek, değerini
look for pv aramak
look forward to sth pv be excited about the future
look into pv araştırmak
look on pv bakmak, gözüyle bakmak, olarak görmek, birlikte kitap
okumak, katılmadan seyretmek
look out pv dikkat etmek (watch out, [dışarıdan içeriye tehlike])
look out (for) pv be careful, vigilant, and take notice, sakınmak
look out on / upon pv bir yere bakıyor olmak, bir yere bakmak
look over pv muayene etmek
look up pv saptayıp ziyaret etmek, iletişim kurmak, araştırmak, bakmak
look up to pv takdir etmek, saygı duymak; hayran olmak, örnek almak
(respect, admire)
look sth over pv check, examine
look sth up pv search and find information in a reference book or database
lose through pv yoluyla kaybolmak
make a decision pv karar vermek
make off pv sıvışmak, kaçmak
make out pv anlamak, fark etmek, çıkarmak, geçinmek
make over pv yenilemek
make through pv paçayı kurtarmak
make up pv oluşturmak, toparlamak, makyaj yapmak, barışmak, forgive
each other
make up for pv compensate; telafi etmek, karşılamak
make up of pv oluşmak, oluşturmak
make sth up pv invent, lie about something
mark down pv ucuzlatmak, düşürmek
mark out pv sınırlarını çizmek, planlamak (plan), ayırmak
mediate between pv ara buluculuk etmek, arasını bulmak
miss out pv atlamak
miss out on pv kaçırmak
mix up pv karıştırmak, düzenini bozmak, karmakarışık yapmak
mix sth up pv confuse two or more things
move away pv başka bir yerdeki bir eve taşınmak
move in pv yeni eve taşınmak
move off pv ayrılmak, yola çıkmak, uzaklaşmak go away
move on pv Ilerlemek
move over / along pv yer açmak için pozisyonunu değiştirmek, biraz kımıldayıp yer
move to pv taşımak
originate from pv kökü, kaynağı, orijininden olmak (image from, emanate
from, root from, stem from, emerge from, derive from)
pass away pv die
pass down pv geçmek, nesiden nesile devrolmak
pass on pv geçirmek, devretmek, aktarmak
pass out pv dağıtmak, vermek; bayılmak (faint)
pass over pv atlamak, geçmek; geçiştirmek
pass up pv geri çevirmek, atlamak, yararlanmamak
pass sth up pv decline (usually something good)
pay for sth pv be punished for doing something bad
pay sbd back pv return owed money
pick up pv yerden almak; kapmak; tesadüfen öğrenmek; almak; gidip
pick sth out pv choose
place on pv yerleştirmek
play down pv önemsiz gibi göstermek
play up pv önemli gibi göstermek
point out pv İşaret etmek, dikkatini çekmek, belirtmek, göstermek
point sbd / sth out pv indicate with your finger
pull through pv atlatmak, iyileşmek, iyileştirmek, birşeyden kurtarmak
put an end to pv bitirmek, son vermek, sona erdirmek
put aside pv biriktirmek, bir kenara bırakmak, bekletmek, ertelemek
put away pv yerine yerleştirmek, kaldırmak
put forth pv öne sürmek, ortaya atmak (put forward, bring up)
put forward pv öne sürmek, ileri almak, iddia etmek, sunmak
put in pv yerleştirmek, araya sokmak, eklemek, kurmak
put off pv ertelemek, geçiktirmek (postpone, delay, defer, adjourn );
elbisesini çıkartmak
put on pv giyinmek; açmak, çalıştırmak; artırmak; almak put clothing/accessories on your body.
put out pv extinguish, söndürmek, yardımcı olmak
put up pv yapmak, dikmek, yer ve yiyecek içecek vermek, evde
ağırlamak, satışa çıkarmak
put up with pv tolerate put up with sbd/sth
put sbd down pv insult, make someone feel stupid
put sth together pv assemble
put sth down pv put what you are holding on a surface or floor
quibble over pv önemsiz küçük konularda tartışmak (quibble about)
quiet down pv sakinleştirmek
regard as pv olarak görmek, gibi görmek, kabul etmek, saymak
relief from pv den kurtulmak
rely on pv güvenmek, itaat etmek, bel bağlamak
replace (with) pv eski yerine koymak; ---ile değiştirmek
resign from pv istifa etmek, (esignation: istifa)
rest on pv dikmek, güvenmek, bel bağlamak
result from pv … den kaynaklanmak
result in pv olarak sonuçlanmak
rip up pv yırtarak açmak; dikişlerini sökmek; karnını yarmak
roll out pv haddeden geçirmek, açarak yayılmak, oklava ile açmak,
kalın sesle söylemek, dürülmüş şeyi açmak
root out pv kökünden sökmek, araştırarak bulmak
rule out pv silmek, çıkrmak, almamak, reddetmek (reject)
run across pv tesadüfen karşılaşmak, rast gelmek
run against pv uğramak, çatmak, rastlamak, çarpmak, zıt düşmek
run arround (with) pv arkadaşlık etmek, onunla bununla dolaşmak
run away pv kaçmak, firar etmek, fark atmak
run away (from) pv leave unexpectedly, escape
run away (with) pv kaçırmak, alıp götürmek; çalmak, alıp gitmek
run by pv tarafından çalıştırmak, işletmek.
run down pv yermek, kötülemek; bozulmak, çalışmasını durdurmak;
hareket halinde çarpmak, vurmak
run for pv aday olmak
run into pv tesadüfen karşılaşmak, rast gelmek, çarpışmak; varmak,
run off with pv alıp götürmek, kaçırmak, çalıp götürmek
run on pv devam etmek, ilerlemek, durmadan konuşmak, ilişkin
olmak, koşmaya devam etmek, aynı satırdan başlamak
run out (of) pv rən tükenmek, sona ermek, son bulmak, bitmek
run over pv çarpıp üstünden geçmek, çiğnemek; dolup taşmak
run through pv delik açmak, çizgi çekmek
run up pv faturayı kabartmak, yükseltmek
run up against pv karşılaşmak, rastlamak
save up pv gelecek için ayırmak, biriktirmek
see about pv hesaba katmak, halletmek, bakmak
see off pv yolcu etmek, uğurlamak
see through pv zorluklara rağmen tamamlamak
see to pv bakmak; meşgul olmak; halletmek, ilgilenmek, göz kulak
sell off pv elden çıkarmak, tasfiye etmek
send for pv çağırmak, ihtiyaç durumunda getirtmek
send sth back pv return (usually by mail)
set down pv indirmek, koymak, belirlemek
set foot on pv ayak basmak
set off pv ayrı tutmak, ayrı koymak
set on pv cesaretlendirmek,teşvik etmek, kışkırtmak
set out pv dikmek, etkilemek, sergilemek, girişmek
set up pv organize, düzenlemek, ayaralamak; kurmak; rekor kırmak
set sbd up: trick, trap
settle down pv durulmak, uslanmak, demir atmak, yerleşmek, yuva kurmak
settle up pv hesaplaşmak, hesap görmek
shop around pv compare prices
show off pv hava atmak
shut down pv kapamak, kapatmak, işi durdurmak
single out pv seçmek, ayırmak, belirlemek, birer birer almak
sleep over pv stay somewhere for the night (informal)
sort out pv sınıflandırmak; ayırmak
sort sth out pv organize, resolve a problem
spread out pv yaymak, yayılmak, açmak, sermek, genişlemek
spring up pv türemek
stamp out pv şekil vermek, şekillendirmek
stand against pv karşı durmak
stand by pv beklemede olmak, harekete geçmemek, desteklemek
stand for pv temsil etmek, tahammül etmek, tolerans göstermek
stand up for pv destek vermek, desteklemek
stand up to pv karşı koymak
stay out pv dışarıda kalmak, dışarıda bulunmak
stay up pv geç vakite kadar oturmak
steer away from pv den uzaklaşmak, yönünü değiştirmek
stem from pv den ileri gelmek, den kaynaklanmak
step down pv istifa etmek, inmek
step up pv artmak, çıkmak, yükselmek
stick to sth pv continue doing something, limit yourself to one particular
stripped of pv elinden almak, mahrum bırakmak
struck down pv devirmek, aciz bırakmak
substituted for pv yerini almak (replace with, supercede by)
sweep away pv süpürüp atmak, ortadan kaldırmak; coşturmak,
sweep up pv süpürmek, süpürüp temizlemek
switch sth off pv stop the energy flow, turn off
switch sth on pv start the energy flow, turn on
take advantage of pv yararlanmak, faydalanmak
take after sbd pv benzemek, çekmek (resemble a family member) take after
take away pv alıp götürmek, paket yapıp götürmek, ortadan kaldırmak
take down pv yazmak; çıkarmak, almak
take for pv başkasına benzetmek, başkasıyla karıştırmak.
take in pv küçültmek, daraltmak; anlamak
take off pv havalanmak; taklit etmek
take on pv üstlenmek, üzerine almak
take over pv sorumluluğu, kontrolü üstlenmek; devralmak
take place pv meydana gelmek, olmak, yerine geçmek
take root pv kök salmak, kökleşmek
take up pv ele almak, başlamak, işlemek; işgal etmek, yer tutmak,
meşgul olmak, uğraşmak.
take out pv dışarı çıkarmak, yemeğe götürmek, take sbd out: pay for someone to go somewhere
with you; take sth out: remove from a place or
take sth apart pv purposely break into pieces
take sth back pv geri götürmek, bir sözü geri almak; return an item
take sth off pv start to fly, işten uzaklaştırmak, giyeceği çıkarmak, giyeceği
sökmek; remove something (usually clothing)
taper off pv azaltmak, eksilmek, incelmek, sivrilmek
task with pv görevlendirmek (task to)
tear down pv yıkmak, yerle bir etmek; sökmek, parçalara ayırmak
tear sth up pv rip into pieces; parça parça yırtmak
think back pv remember
think of pv düşünmek, hesaba katmak (think about)
think sth over pv consider
throw into pv atmak, içine atmak
throw out pv dışarı atmak (çöp vb)
throw up pv yukarı atmak, elinden atmak, vaz geçmek; kusmak
throw sth away pv dispose of; elden çıkarmak, atmak
thrown back pv geri atılmış
tidy up pv düzenlemek, toparlamak, çeki düzen vermek
tie up pv sıkıca bağlamak;kilitlenmek; çalışamaz duruma gelmek
tire out pv yormak
tow away pv çekerek uzaklaştırmak
try on pv giyerek denemek
try out pv denemek
turn around pv tam bir dönüş yapmak, yaptırmak
turn back on pv geri dönmek, sırtını dönmek, geri çevirmek
turn down pv refüze etmek, ret etmek; geri çevirmek, sesini kısmak
turn in pv yatmaya gitmek, vermek, teslim almak
turn into pv çevirmek, dönüştürmek, dönüşmek
turn off pv stop the energy flow, switch off, durdurmak, kapatmak
turn out pv durdurmak, kapatmak; sonuçlandırmak, çıkarmak,
uzaklaştırmak; üretmek
turn over pv devretmek, transfer etmek; takla atmak, çevirmek, vermek
turn up pv aniden ortaya çıkmak, sesini yükseltmek (appear suddenly)
turn sth down pv decrease the volume or strength (heat, light etc)
turn sth on pv start the energy, switch on, açmak, çalıştırmak
turn sth up pv increase the volume or strength (heat, light etc)
use sth up pv tüketmek, bitinceye kadar kullanmak, finish the supply
volunteer to/for pv gönüllü olmak
wait on pv hizmet etmek, servis yapmak, eşlik etmek, bakmak, ziyaret
wake up pv uyandırmak, uyanmak (stop sleeping)
walk away with pv çalıp götürmek
walk out on pv aniden çıkıp gitmek
warm up pv ısıtmak, çalışmaya hazırlamak, ısınmak (prepare body for
wear off pv fade away
whittle down pv yavaş yavaş azaltmak, bozmak
wind up pv son bulmak, sona ermek
wipe out pv tahrip etmek, yok etmek
wipe up pv silip temizlemek
withdraw from pv geri çekilmek (pull out of) (savaştan,seçimlerden vb) ;
(bankadan, hesaptan vb) para çekmek
work on pv üzerinde çalışmak
work out pv çözmek, çalışmak; be successful, exercise
work sth out pv make a calculation
wrap up pv sarmak, sarıp sarmalamak, paketlemek, son vermek, kesmek
write down pv kaydetmek, yazmak
zap with pv ani bir darbeyle öldürmek, kill suddenly
Phrasal Verb |
Meaning (Most Common) |
Total Number of Definitions |
To point a weapon at someone or something. |
3 |
To request something. |
2 |
When you ask someone to go with you to a certain place or for a special occasion, to spend time together and have fun. If one or both parties involved are interested in a romantic way, then it is considered a date. |
1 |
To withdraw your position in a fight, argument, plan, etc. |
1 |
When you leave an emotional situation, or to allow someone to handle something alone. |
1 |
To walk or drive a vehicle backwards. |
4 |
When someone punches, kicks, or hits someone repeatedly using fists or with an object. |
2 |
To make changes or an improvement. |
1 |
To feel confident about something or someone. |
2 |
To use your teeth to bite a piece of something. |
2 |
When the wind moves an object or person from where it was. |
4 |
When the wind removes something from its place. |
3 |
Blow Out |
To extinguish or make a flame stop burning. |
3 |
To make something explode. |
6 |
To have determined or analyzed the solution or reason for something. |
1 |
When someone loses self-control and is emotionally and/or mentally agitated. This meaning has a noun form for a situation where someone loses self-control. |
6 |
To enter a place illegally and with the use of force. |
3 |
To remove a part of something with force. |
4 |
To escape from a place, situation or way of life. |
3 |
To make a way through a barrier or a surface. |
2 |
To stop a fight. |
4 |
To return something you’ve borrowed. |
4 |
To bring someone or something from one place or area to another. |
1 |
To bring something from a lower level/place to a higher level/place. |
3 |
To remove something(dust particle, insect, etc) with your hand. |
2 |
To practice and review your knowledge or a skill that you haven’t used in a while. |
2 |
To add a fixture or component to a certain area or place through construction. |
1 |
When you meet people by accident or unexpectedly. |
2 |
When someone uses fire to destroy a structure. |
2 |
When a candle stops burning because there is nothing left to burn. |
3 |
To destroy something with heat or fire. |
4 |
To suddenly do or say something. |
2 |
To interrupt a conversation or activity. |
1 |
To call someone again. |
2 |
To request that someone come and help. |
3 |
To cancel an event that has been previously planned. |
2 |
To be chosen to take part in a military mission. |
2 |
To become less violent, nervous, excited or angry. |
1 |
To nurture or take care of someone or something. |
2 |
To do something out of the ordinary due to strong emotions. |
2 |
To continue doing something or to continue on in life despite an obstacle. |
3 |
To move something or someone from one place to another using your arms or an object. |
5 |
To understand or realize something. |
2 |
To move faster to reach someone or something that is ahead of you. |
2 |
When you are emotionally and/or sexually unfaithful to your girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse. |
2 |
To register at a hotel or airport upon arrival. |
2 |
To leave a hotel or other form of an accommodation after your stay there. |
5 |
To refrain from doing something because of fear. |
1 |
To cut something into pieces with a knife. |
2 |
To clean or clear the inside of something thoroughly. |
3 |
To remove things completely from an area or place. |
2 |
To do something to solve a problem or a misunderstanding. |
3 |
When something in a drain or valve prevents the flow of water or other liquids |
1 |
When the activities or services of a business permanently end. |
3 |
To block an entrance or pathway. |
2 |
When something happens or occurs. |
1 |
The way other people perceive something or someone. |
3 |
When something breaks or separates piece by piece. |
1 |
To return to a place. |
3 |
To move from a higher to a lower position or from north to south. |
2 |
When a situation is reduced to a certain outcome. |
1 |
When you start to experience the symptoms of a disease or illness. |
1 |
When someone or something enters a place, building, or room. |
7 |
When something is removed or breaks off from where it was originally attached to. |
4 |
To appear on television or be heard on the radio. |
5 |
To leave a place. |
8 |
To make a visit. |
3 |
When someone or something expected arrives. |
3 |
When something appears or happens, either expected or unexpected. |
6 |
When you think of a solution, idea, plan, or excuse. |
1 |
To persuade someone to do something through lies and deception. |
1 |
To persuade someone to give or do something through lies and deception. |
1 |
To lose temperature. |
2 |
To rely on someone for support when you need it most. |
2 |
To count all of something or people in a group. |
1 |
To use something to conceal something else. |
2 |
To take more action than usual against wrongdoing. |
1 |
To remove or delete someone or something from a list. |
1 |
When you spend less money on something. |
4 |
To do less of something or to use something in smaller amounts. |
3 |
To completely remove or separate a part of something by cutting it with something sharp like a knife or a pair of scissors, etc. |
6 |
To remove something using a knife or a pair of scissors. |
5 |
When you use a knife or scissors to cut something into several pieces. |
2 |
When you do everything you must do to solve a problem or complete. |
2 |
To dispose of something. |
2 |
To do something again in order to improve or correct mistakes. |
2 |
To make a connection between two or more things. |
1 |
To manage well without something or someone. |
1 |
To go to sleep unintentionally. |
1 |
To wear formal clothes, or a costume for a special occasion. |
1 |
To visit someone unexpectedly or without making arrangements first. |
2 |
To gradually decline/become less. |
2 |
To quit a school program or training course. |
1 |
To dry something or a surface quickly. |
1 |
To remove water or other liquid from a container. |
3 |
When all the liquid and/or moisture evaporates. |
2 |
When someone consumes all their food. |
3 |
To remove everyone or everything from a space. |
1 |
The end result of something planned or unplanned. |
1 |
When something breaks all at once or piece by piece. |
3 |
To move slower than others. |
2 |
To fall to the ground. |
1 |
When you have an intense attraction to something or someone. |
2 |
When something drops to a lower level. |
2 |
To fall from or through something. |
3 |
When someone or something falls from an upright position to the ground. |
2 |
If things do not go as planned, or if a plan, deal or agreement fails. |
2 |
When you have/don’t have the energy and confidence to do something. |
1 |
When you defend yourself/resist an attack, or make an effort against an opponent in a competition. |
2 |
To expect or plan for something. |
1 |
To add personal information in the blank spaces of an official document. |
3 |
To complete a form. |
2 |
To fill something completely. |
3 |
To become aware of something or someone. |
1 |
To make plans or arrangements with someone or for others. |
4 |
To become very mad or lose control over your emotions. |
1 |
When an object or a person is near, but you cannot pinpoint the exact location. |
2 |
To find out more about something, or take further action in regards to it. |
1 |
To waste time doing unimportant or silly things. |
4 |
When someone becomes irrationally upset or angry, sometimes to the point of confusion. |
1 |
To become successful in the professional environment or make consistent progress in life. |
3 |
To have good interactions with others. |
2 |
To do something that needed to get done at an earlier time. |
1 |
To escape from something. |
2 |
To return to a place. |
4 |
To get revenge. |
1 |
When you talk to someone at a later time either because you are busy or you have obtained additional or new information. |
2 |
To learn, work, or progress more slowly than others. |
4 |
To pass someone or something. |
3 |
To move to a lower place or level. |
4 |
To arrive or enter a place, room, building, etc. |
5 |
To leave a form of transportation, except a car. |
6 |
To be excited or to truly enjoy doing something. |
2 |
When you move your body and either stand, sit, lie, kneel, etc. towards something (non-separable). |
6 |
To leave or escape. |
6 |
To receive a benefit and/or satisfaction from doing something. |
4 |
To move past an obstacle to the other side. |
3 |
To finish something that needs to get done. |
1 |
When a message, meaning, or idea is understood or accepted. |
6 |
To arrive to or assist someone to a place. |
5 |
To meet and spend time together. |
3 |
To move to a higher level/position. |
4 |
To give something for free or without expecting anything in return. |
4 |
To surrender to something. |
2 |
To distribute something. |
4 |
To stop doing something without completing it. |
4 |
To take the necessary steps to get something done. |
2 |
When you do your best to get something no matter how difficult it is. |
4 |
To proceed to do something that you were hesitant about. |
2 |
to accept or agree with a decision, rule, opinion, etc. |
2 |
To follow a circular path. |
6 |
To move or travel from one place to another place. |
3 |
To return to a place, time, activity, or a person. |
2 |
When you fail to fulfill a promise you made to someone. |
1 |
To be more than or better than what is normal or expected. |
1 |
To pass someone or something quickly. |
4 |
To move to a lower position, place, price, level, etc. |
7 |
To try to obtain. |
5 |
To enter a place, building, room, etc. |
3 |
To enter a place or area for a specific reason. |
2 |
To enter a place, room, building, etc. usually through a door. |
4 |
To leave unannounced. |
5 |
When something takes place. |
3 |
To leave a place or area you’re in. |
5 |
To review something. |
4 |
When you make a decision to do something, and actually do it. |
1 |
To move or extend to a higher level or farther North. |
3 |
To accompany someone to a place. |
6 |
To waste time doing silly or unimportant things. |
1 |
To be disgusted with someone or something. |
1 |
To become too big or too tall for your clothes. |
3 |
When you physically change from a child to an adult. |
2 |
When you return something to the person who owns it after the person has given it to you |
1 |
To give something to a person of authority. |
1 |
To distribute something free to other people. |
1 |
To give upon request or demand. |
2 |
To spend time in a place or an area. |
1 |
When you hold something, often for support of comfort. |
3 |
To hang something, usually wet clothes, to dry. |
3 |
To hang clothes or an object on a hook, hanger or rod. |
3 |
To wear clothing, cosmetics, perfume, etc. |
2 |
To go to a place where you’ve been before or where you started from. |
1 |
When a situation becomes more likely. |
2 |
To move in the direction where someone or something is. |
2 |
When you learn details about something or someone. |
1 |
When you learn about something or someone. |
2 |
To make something warmer or cause a rise in temperature. |
2 |
To assist people with something. |
1 |
To suddenly have a solution to a problem or an interesting idea. |
2 |
When you don’t forgive or have little respect for someone because of something they did. |
2 |
To delay something. |
2 |
When you wait for a short time. |
3 |
To extend your hand or an object in front of you. |
3 |
To hold someone or something up in the air. |
4 |
When you connect two electrical devices together. |
3 |
To do something quickly. |
2 |
To continue doing an activity even though it may be difficult. |
1 |
To avoid getting close to someone or something. |
2 |
To make sound, music and noise minimal. |
3 |
To stop yourself or other people from doing something. |
1 |
To avoid discussing a particular subject or topic. |
2 |
To continue doing something. |
2 |
When you don’t share information. |
2 |
To continue to do something. |
4 |
To illegally pay extra money to someone as part of the price. |
2 |
To force someone to leave an organization or place. |
1 |
To use force to cause someone or something to fall from its place, whether intentionally or accidentally. |
6 |
When someone is struck hard enough to cause them to lose consciousness. |
6 |
To make contact with something or someone in such a way it or they fall. |
1 |
To have knowledge of or be familiar with something. |
1 |
To place something on a surface or an object. |
3 |
When a company or business ends a worker’s employment. |
2 |
When a period of time or a series of events cause an event, situation or conversation to happen. |
1 |
When you don’t take something or someone with you when you leave. |
4 |
To accidentally or intentionally not include a person or thing on a list. |
2 |
To not include someone or something. |
3 |
When you have a portion that still remains from something after you have used or eaten the rest of it. |
2 |
To disappoint someone. |
2 |
To allow someone or something to enter a place. |
2 |
To allow someone to leave a car, bus, train etc. |
3 |
To tell something that is a secret or private. |
1 |
When you give permission for someone to leave or be released from a place. |
3 |
When someone or something becomes less intense or strong. |
1 |
To be lazy or to not do anything. |
2 |
To raise someone or something to a higher level. |
2 |
To illuminate something. |
2 |
When a conversation is changed or a person changes to become less serious. |
1 |
To form in a row one after another or side-by-side. |
3 |
To share the same residence. |
2 |
To secure people or things behind a closed door. |
3 |
When you don’t have the key or passcode to enter a secured place. |
2 |
When you shut the windows and doors of a place or building. |
2 |
To turn your head to see what or who is around you. |
3 |
To divert your eyes to someone or something. |
4 |
When you consider someone or something as unimportant or with little to no value. The opposite of yesterday’s phrasal verb. |
1 |
To anticipate a future event because it either makes you happy and/or you benefit from it. |
1 |
To investigate or get more facts about something. |
1 |
To remain alert. |
2 |
To examine or inspect something or someone. |
1 |
When a situation becomes better. |
3 |
This particular phrasal verb is used to say you view someone with respect and/or admiration. |
1 |
To have exceptionally good luck. |
1 |
To go in a certain direction, typically in a hurry. |
2 |
To understand the meaning of something. |
1 |
To invent a story. |
7 |
When something is dirty or unorganized. |
2 |
To put or combine different things together so they’ll merge successfully. |
3 |
To try to play with or repair a device that you have no true knowledge about. |
2 |
When you bring your personal belongings and stuff to a new place where you will live. Yesterday’s phrasal verb, Move Out, has the opposite meaning. |
3 |
When you permanently remove all your belongings and personal items from a place where you live or stay. |
3 |
To reduce the number of options or possibilities. |
1 |
When you return money that you owe someone. |
2 |
To purchase merchandise. |
2 |
To repay money that is owed to a person or entity. |
3 |
To pay all the money that is owed or asked for. |
1 |
To tease and/or criticize someone over a period of time. |
1 |
When you are able to recognize something or someone from a group. |
2 |
To get someone or something from somewhere. |
8 |
To put things in a pile or heap. |
2 |
[Informal] To be angry about something. |
1 |
To prepare for a future event or situation. |
1 |
To prepare for a big event or expectation in the future. |
1 |
When you have the intention to do something. |
1 |
Plug In |
To connect an electrical device to an electrical outlet. |
2 |
To connect an electrical appliance/machine to another piece of equipment or to a power source. |
1 |
To block a narrow passage such as a hole, drain, or pipe so that nothing can flow through. |
2 |
To make someone aware of something. |
1 |
When you aim at something or someone using your finger or hand. |
2 |
To produce a hard copy of a computer document. |
1 |
To succeed in doing something difficult or tricky. |
2 |
When something or someone leaves a place. |
7 |
To drive your vehicle to the side of the road to stop. |
1 |
To recover from an injury or illness. |
2 |
To enter data or record time on a device. |
1 |
To record the time you leave the workplace using a special clock. |
2 |
To place something where it cannot be seen or isn’t in the way of other things. |
4 |
When something is causing a project to slow down. |
4 |
To place something on a surface or an object. |
6 |
When you invest or make a deposit. In this example, the amount almost always separates the verb. |
7 |
To become offended by someone or something. |
2 |
To extend a part of your body. |
6 |
To not be surprised by a person’s actions. [Always used with the negative] |
1 |
To cause someone or something to be in a certain state or to do something extra. |
2 |
To assemble or connect the parts of something. |
3 |
To move an object to a higher level. |
6 |
To encourage or persuade someone to do something. |
2 |
To tolerate or accept something that you’d rather not. |
1 |
To call someone on the phone. |
2 |
When someone asks for a price for something that is too high, when someone cheats or steals. |
3 |
To tear something (i.e. paper, cloth, etc.) into pieces. |
2 |
When someone or something is excluded as a possibility. |
1 |
To move or run from one side to the other. |
2 |
To go from one place to another in a hurry. |
3 |
To hit someone or something with a vehicle. |
4 |
When something collides with another object by accident. |
4 |
When people exit a place very quickly. Run In/ Run Into is the opposite of this meaning. |
2 |
When someone is injured or killed by a vehicle. |
5 |
To run from a lower elevation or level to a higher elevation or level. |
5 |
To ensure the top of a container/bottle is sealed. |
2 |
To cheat or deceive someone. |
1 |
To make a mistake or do something really bad. |
1 |
To seriously think about doing something. |
1 |
When all the inventory of a particular product has been purchased. |
2 |
To organize or plan for an activity/event to happen. |
6 |
To begin living a stable and routine life. |
2 |
To accept something even though it’s not what you want or need. |
1 |
To mix something in a container by shaking it. |
3 |
To overly display your skills or what you have. |
1 |
To stop the operation of an electrical or mechanical device. |
1 |
To stop talking. |
1 |
To write your name on a list to indicate the day and time you arrived at a certain place. |
2 |
To write your name on a list to indicate the day and time of your departure. |
2 |
To change from a standing to a sitting position. |
2 |
To do something slower. |
1 |
To enter a place quietly to avoid being seen or heard. |
1 |
To leave a place without being noticed. |
1 |
To arrange or separate things into groups according to similarities. |
2 |
When someone’s attention is not in the present moment. [Adj.] {spaced out} To describe a person whose attention isn’t in the present moment. |
1 |
To stand in one place or area when you should be doing something. |
2 |
To support or represent an idea, belief, etc. |
1 |
To rise from sitting or lying down to a vertical position. |
3 |
The beginning of an event, activity or time period. |
4 |
To begin a trip or venture to some place. |
3 |
To start something. |
2 |
To avoid discussing a certain subject or topic. |
4 |
To spend time out of your own home. |
3 |
To remain in a place that is higher than ground level. |
2 |
To place your foot on something or someone. |
2 |
To stay in a place or with someone for any period of time. |
1 |
To extend something outward. |
4 |
When something is attached to another by some form of adhesive. |
2 |
To use a weapon, especially a gun, to rob someone. |
4 |
To continue to use or do something. |
3 |
To make a quick stop on your way to a destination. |
1 |
To visit someone for a short period of time. |
2 |
To make something straight. |
3 |
To feel very worried, nervous or anxious. |
1 |
When you move something from the ‘on’ state to the ‘off’ state. Synonymous with “Turn Off.” Yesterday’s “Switch On” is the opposite. |
1 |
When you move something from the ‘off’ state to the ‘on’ state. Synonymous with “Turn On,” while “Switch Off” is the opposite. |
1 |
To disconnect or separate the parts of an object. |
1 |
To return something or someone. |
5 |
To be successfully tricked or deceived by someone. |
5 |
To remove an object from an area, place or container. |
4 |
To direct your anger towards someone or something when you’re really upset about someone or something else. |
1 |
When you accept an invitation or offer from someone. |
1 |
To talk to someone as if they are less intelligent than you by conveying a tone of voice or attitude that says so. |
1 |
To convince someone to do something. |
1 |
To convince someone not to do something. |
1 |
To have a conversation with someone. |
1 |
To deconstruct a building or home. |
2 |
To remove with force. |
2 |
To be able to differentiate something or someone from something or someone else. |
1 |
To inform an authoritative figure about what someone else did. |
1 |
To consider something prior to making a final decision. |
2 |
To think and plan carefully for a future situation or event. |
1 |
To use your imagination to create a plan, idea, or a solution. |
1 |
To dispose of something you no longer find useful in a waste bin, trash, etc. |
2 |
When you get rid of something by putting it in a trash can, bin, etc. |
2 |
To vomit or puke. |
3 |
To locate someone or something after a long search |
1 |
To exchange something old for something new. |
2 |
To convince or persuade someone to believe something untrue or to do something for you. |
1 |
To see how something fits or looks before purchasing. |
1 |
To show that you are qualified to do something. |
2 |
When someone or something moves until it faces the opposite direction. |
3 |
To decrease the temperature, sound, etc. |
2 |
To give someone or something to the police or someone of authority. |
3 |
To transform. |
1 |
To stop a device from functioning. |
3 |
To cause someone to feel interested and/or attracted. |
3 |
To attend an event, meeting, etc. |
4 |
To move an object so that the part that is on top becomes the bottom and vice versa. |
3 |
To increase the controls of an electronic or mechanical device. |
3 |
To completely consume or use all of a supply. |
1 |
When you are finished sleeping. |
2 |
To remove dirt or unwanted markings with soap and water. |
1 |
To clean your face, hands, body, etc. |
3 |
To be aware of someone or something. |
1 |
To make the surface or top of something disappear due to friction. |
2 |
To decrease or disappear gradually. |
1 |
When something is damaged or weakened from use and age. |
2 |
To operate a mechanical device by turning its handle. |
4 |
To completely remove or clean something from a surface or location. |
1 |
To clean the inside of something. |
4 |
To remove liquid from a surface using a sponge, towel or cloth, etc. |
1 |
To make time in a busy schedule for a person or an activity. |
2 |
When a situation, event, plan, or idea is successful. |
6 |
To gradually improve at or make progress in something. |
3 |
To cover something with some kind of special paper. |
4 |
To close an item that has a zipper. |
1 |